FFI secy Supran Sen on IIAS School of Management’s board

FFI secy Supran Sen on IIAS School of Management’s board

NEW DELHI: Film Federation of India (FFI) secretary general Supran Sen has been invited to come on board as an advisor in the Academic Council for Film & Media of IIAS School of Management, Siliguri, West Bengal.


IIAS School of Management offers UG courses with an aim to develop industry ready professionals with high level of competence.


Sen brings to the table over 30 years of experience in the M&E industry.


In a statement, FFI said that it was confident that “students not only from Bengal but also from neighbouring states and countries like Nepal and Bhutan will benefit from his knowledge base.”


Sen is also the executive committee member of Federation Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films (FIAPF), the apex body of film producers in the world, which has its headquarters in Brussels.