  • I-League gets two new teams

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 29, 2013
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has paved the way for Jindal Vijayanagar Steel (JSW) and Mumbai Tigers to debut in I-League season from 2013-14. The participating fee for existing Clubs for the I-League has been increased from Rs 50,000 to Rs 500,000.

    The bid evaluation committee found the proposals from JSW and Mumbai Tigers to be based in Bangalore and Mumbai respectively in immaculate condition and recommended their direct entry into the league.

    As regards the bid from the Consortium from Kerala, certain clarifications have been sought, post which a decision would be taken. Queens Park Rangers have given a tentative proposal to participate in the I-League from 2014-15 onwards after fulfilling all the criteria and standards as required.

    The AIFF committee also set up a deadline for existing I-League clubs by which the existing clubs would have to start constructing their own stadium/refurbish an existing stadium latest by 1 June 2015, the failure of which the defaulters would be axed from the league.

    The committee felt that a discussion should be initiated with Pailan Group. Meanwhile, AIFF?s marketing partners IMG-R made a presentation regarding the newly proposed league which kicks-off in January 2014. It was also unanimously decided to make amendments to the AIFF Constitution as per the Directives of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs in regard to age and tenure.

    JSW?s team owner Sajjan Jindal said, "We believe these are exciting times for Indian football and are happy to be entering the league at this stage. We would like to thank the All India Football Federation for awarding us the Bangalore franchise. The popularity of football is growing rapidly in India and we are excited at the opportunity to do our bit to enhance the standards of the beautiful game. In keeping with JSW philosophy of building a strong India, we hope to build a strong and successful football franchise."

    Set to play their home games in Bangalore, JSW has many plans. One plan is to set up a football academy, spearhead by a coach and also provide better infrastructure to the youth in the vicinity. With their competitive spirit and sleek display, JSW aim to attract the crowds back to the stadium.

    JSW adds that the basic idea to enter the League is to spread the game to many more cities so that fans can get a chance to view their heroes in action at close quarters and also to improve the infrastructure in the respective cities.

    For the 2013-14 edition of the I-League, the committee decided to increase the number of foreign recruits to four. Every club would be allowed to register four Foreign Recruits (3+1) and play all of them.

  • Justice Raveendran is new chairperson of News Broadcasting Standards Authority

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 25, 2013
    indiantelevision.com Team

    NEW DELHI: Justice R.V. Raveendran, former judge of the supreme court of India, is the new chairman of the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA), the self regulatory initiative of the News Broadcasters Association (NBA).

    He succeeds justice (Retd.) J.S. Verma, chairperson of the NBSA, who passed away on 21 April after a brief illness, aged 80.

    Justice Verma had been a former chief justice of India and former chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission. Verma was appointed the first Chairperson of the NBSA, a self-regulatory body set up by the NBA on 2 October 2008 and his first major challenge had been to draw up guidelines for news channels at the time of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

    Justice Raveendran retired from the supreme court as a senior judge on 14 October 2011 and is presently engaged in giving lectures and writing articles on law related issues and in conducting arbitrations.

    He completed his secondary education at Fort High School, Bangalore. He graduated from St. Joseph?s College, Bangalore and obtained Law Degree from Government Law College, Bangalore, in the year 1967.
    He was enrolled as an advocate in March 1968 and practised extensively on the civil side till his elevation as a permanent judge of the Karnataka High Court in February 1993. He served as chairman of Karnataka State Legal Services Authority for several years and popularised Lok Adalats in Karnataka.

    He was elevated as the chief justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court in July 2004 and as a judge of the supreme court in September 2005. Justice Raveendran has rendered several landmark decisions in the fields of Civil and Constitutional Law. He has served as the chairman of Supreme Court Legal Services Committee. As chairman of Mediation & Conciliation Project Committee, he was instrumental in developing mediation across the country.

  • DAS Phase II commences as analogue TV switched off

    NEW DELHI: The second phase of Digital Addressable System (DAS) in India marched on even as the month of March 2013 c

  • NDS launches state-of-the-art R&D campus in Bangalore

    MUMBAI: Cisco-owned NDS has launched its new R&D campus in Bangalore as it reaches 12 years of operations in Indi

  • Comedy Central's new property aims to nurture talent

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jul 28, 2012
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Viacom18?s comedy channel Comedy Central is looking to nurture talent of home grown comic artists through its new property ?Comedy Central Presents?, which is a tie-up with select stand up artists and comedy groups to promote their shows on-air, and on the digital space (facebook.com/comedycentralindia).

    ?Comedy Central Presents? will promote everything that is comic and some of the most recent associations have been with comedy fests like the Clean Comedy festival with Dan Nainan, The Ultimate Hahathon at Counter Culture every Thursday, Evam ? a popular stand up comedy group in Chennai. Other names promoted under the ?Comedy Central Presents? banner include Neeti Palta ? Loony Goons (Delhi), Karan Thapar ? Schitzengiggles (Mumbai), Raghav Mandava ? CheeseMonkeyMafia (Gurgoan) and Adam Dow - Improv Comedy Mumbai.

    To keep the viewers updated on the latest comedy gigs in town, Comedy Central will also have a special on-air spot called ?Giggle Guide?, where viewers are informed about gigs happening across the country, the Facebook page would have regular updates informing fans about the date and venue of the performance.

    ?CC Presents? aims at getting bigger and better by each passing week by adding more associations to the current list of tie-ups across artists performing in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. The channels? main aim is to take over the comedy scene in India and be present where ever good comedy is.

    Comedy Central
  • Hathway launches music channel in Bangalore

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 29, 2012
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Hathway Cable & Datacom has launched a Hindi music channel, Hathway Music, on its digital cable network in Bangalore.

    Hathway Music will be initially available in Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Indore, Jaipur, Hyderabad and now in Bangalore.

    The channel will showcase Bollywood songs from the golden classics of 50s-60s to the melodious hits of 80s-90s to the latest Bollywood hits of today.

    A non-stop music channel playing back-to-back Hindi film songs packaged with appealing graphics depicting the theme of Bollywood music with various other aspects of Hindi film music.

    Hathway Cable and Datacom head-channel business Haresh Gehaney said, "There will be no anchors hosting any shows or distracting viewers with their never ending talks but shall give the audience nonstop super-hit film songs without any interruptions thus giving a complete dose of entertainment and very soon English content will also be added."

    Hathway Music shall have different categories/themes such as Down Memory Lane, Music Stars, Smash Hits, Bollywood Beats, Jumping Jacks, Dancing Queens, and Romantic Melodies.

    Hathway Cable
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