BBC shortlists three bidders for technology unit


BBC shortlists three bidders for technology unit


MUMBAI: The BBC has announced that it has shortlisted three bidders for the final round in the procurement process for the technology services agreement and the sale of BBC Technology.

The sale is subject to the approval of the UK Secretary of State for culture, media and sport. The contract is worth up to £ two billion. The three companies that are competing are Accenture, CSC and Siemens.

The recently concluded round had eight companies in the fray. The final three were selected through a European Union procurement process which was conducted by the BBC's evaluation team.

The move to procure a new technology contract followed an internal strategic review of the BBC's technology requirements. An earlier review conducted had identified potential annual savings for the beeb to the tune of £20-£30 million if its technology services were outsourced.

As part of the BBC's aim to revolutionise its use of technology to make and distribute programmes it is looking for a partner that will share its technology vision and make it happen over the course of the next decade.

Formed three years ago BBC Technology provides products and services for the BBC, other broadcasters, platform owners, content owners and government organisations. Its customers include BBC News, BSkyB, DirecTV and ESPN. BBC Technology has 1400 staff members and a turnover of £230 million.