UTV World Movies revamps site

UTV World Movies revamps site

MUMBAI: UTV World Movies, which showcases global cinema, has revamped its website.

The features include:

- Drop down menus, excel sheets and maps put to better use
- An intuitive interface for the user to find out what film to watch
- The Cine Map- This helps fans choose the films from the database and learn where they are from
- The Film Club is a lounge

In additon, the schedules are powered by Burrp TV. The site also offers among other things reviews and blogs about all things cinema.
According to UTV, World Cinema has always been considered as something for the elite cinemagoer, with stories and camera angles that twist and turn like the many proper pronunciations of the names of the directors that made them. The Movie-o-Dex aims to put that to rest. Using an interface, an user can now find out what film he wants to watch, with three clicks of a mouse. Once he‘s found a film of his choice, he can share his discovery across social networks.

The CineMap uses the exact geo-coordinates of where the films in the channels database are from. By using a single click interface, users can find films of their favourite genre, country or by the name.
Film Club is a lounge that the broadcaster says extends the experience beyond the virtual realm into the real. This is a place where fans can save their favourite movies using the Watch and Share feature. They can also get invited to World Movies events, play social games and flip through Insignia, the complimentary World Movies magazine.