Influence of technology on toy development and marketing

Influence of technology on toy development and marketing

Technology has enabled the creation of toys that combine physical and digital elements.

Urban Tots

Mumbai: The toy industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and shifting consumer preferences. As technology continues to evolve, toy manufacturers must stay ahead of the curve and adapt their development and marketing strategies to meet the changing needs of children and parents alike. The profound impact of technology on toy development and marketing is looked upon, exploring the current landscape, futuristic trends, and predictions that will shape the industry's future.

Current Landscape: Technology's Role in Toy Development

Technology has enabled the creation of toys that combine physical and digital elements, offering a more engaging and dynamic way for children to learn and develop essential skills. For instance, programmable robots that teach coding skills and AR-enabled toys that blend digital and physical play have become increasingly popular, providing children with hands-on learning experiences that build foundational skills in STEM disciplines.

The Rise of Digital Toys

Digital toys have become a significant segment of the toy market, offering a range of benefits that traditional physical toys cannot match. These toys often involve some plastic components but generally have a significantly lower material footprint than traditional toys. Digital toys can provide novel opportunities for learning and development, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences that transport children to new worlds and environments. Additionally, digital toys can be designed to adapt to a child's learning pace and style, offering a more personalised learning experience that keeps children engaged for longer periods.

The Role of 3D Printing in Toy Development

3D printing has become an essential tool in toy development, enabling designers to rapidly produce multiple prototypes and test their designs before moving on to mass production. This technology allows for the creation of complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods. 3D printing also enables the production of customised toys that cater to individual children's preferences and learning styles, further enhancing the personalisation and engagement of play experiences.

The Future of Toy Development: Trends and Predictions

As technology continues to advance, the toy industry can expect significant changes in the way toys are developed and marketed. Some key trends and predictions include:

●    Increased Focus on Sustainability: The toy industry is under increasing pressure to adopt more sustainable practices, driven by growing concerns about environmental sustainability and the impact of plastic waste on the planet.

●    Increased Focus on Social and Emotional Learning: The toy industry is expected to place a growing emphasis on social and emotional learning, recognising the importance of these skills in children's overall development.

●    The Impact of the Internet of Toys: The Internet of Toys (IoT) is a growing trend involving internet connectivity integration into toys, enabling them to communicate with other devices and collect data on children's learning patterns.

●    The Role of Blockchain in Toy Development: Blockchain technology is expected to play a significant role in the future of toy development, offering a secure and transparent way to track the production and distribution of toys.

Toy Retail as a Bright Emerging Vertical

As technology continues to shape the toy industry, toy retailers must adapt their strategies to meet the changing needs of children and parents alike. Some key trends and predictions include:

●    The Rise of Omnichannel Retailing: Omnichannel retailing is expected to become increasingly important in the future of toy retail, as parents increasingly expect a seamless shopping experience across online and offline channels.

●    The Importance of Experiential Retail: Experiential retail is expected to play a significant role in the future of toy retail, providing parents with a unique and engaging shopping experience that combines physical and digital elements.

●    The Role of Data Analytics in Toy Retail: Data analytics is expected to play a growing role in the future of toy retail, providing retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

●    The Impact of AI on Toy Retail: Artificial intelligence is expected to play a significant role in the future of toy retail, enabling retailers to personalise customer experiences and optimise inventory management.


The influence of technology on toy development and marketing is profound and far-reaching, shaping the way toys are designed, produced, and marketed. As technology continues to evolve, toy manufacturers, marketers, and distributors must adapt their strategies to meet the changing needs of children and parents alike. By leveraging the power of technology, the toy industry can continue to innovate and grow, providing children with fun, engaging, and educational play experiences that cater to their unique needs and preferences.

The article is authored by Urban Tots founder Deepak Chaudhary.