Globecast offers media asset management services to broadcasters, content creators

Globecast offers media asset management services to broadcasters, content creators

MUMBAI: GlobeCast has reached agreements with several post-production and digital media service companies in America, Asia and Europe that will allow its existing and future clients to connect the post-production aspect of their workflows with the company’s Media Asset Management (MAM) and delivery services, effectively becoming part of a Digital Ecosystem.
SDI Media Group, Bigfoot Entertainment, Broadway Video Digital Media, Medi-LAN , Infinite Frameworks, re:fine, TVT and Éclair-Télétota are the first providers to have agreed to connect with GlobeCast.

GlobeCast is also in discussion with several other companies to use its content management and delivery services. Content creators and broadcasters can immediately streamline their processes and workflows with the use of these services. 
"A client working on aspects of their post-production with providers in GlobeCast’s Digital Ecosystem can connect editors at those facilities to GlobeCast’s MAM platform to easily, quickly and very cost-effectively create regional versions of content at playout centers around the world. This is done using either fiber links or advanced file transfer programs such as GlobeCast Content Exchange," the company said.

The creation of this Digital Ecosystem involved interconnecting GlobeCast’s playout centers in Singapore, London, Miami and Paris via the company’s fiber network - the GlobeCast Backbone Network. The connection of these facilities means that clients can seamlessly ingest content in one part of the world, and playout regionalised versions of the content on multiple platforms in another part of the world. Along the way, using NETIA’s Content Management System, the content can also be archived for future use or transcoded for distribution to multiple platforms including VoD, web TV and mobile TV.