MUMBAI: Here’s another player which says it is entering the subscription television arena. Compaq TV maker Ossify Industries says it is launching a subscription-based smart LED TV bundled with a comprehensive three-in-one package starting from Rs 999, all available through the its hybrid LED app.
The subscription-based TV is being offered In collaboration with a broadband and Wi-Fi service provider. Users can end up owning a smart LED TV in just three years through the plan the company has drawn up.
“We are on a mission to bring the magic of high-quality entertainment into every home,” said Ossify Industries CEO Sandeep Chaudhary. “With our new package, we’re not just offering a TV; we’re providing an experience that combines cutting-edge technology with unbeatable value. It’s time for every family to enjoy their favorite movies, shows, and many more.”
The bundle is set to officially launch in January, with pre-booking beginning on 5 January. A press release issued by the company gives no details, but promises that viewers can enjoy seamless connectivity with reliable broadband services, access leading OTT platforms.
But the press release raises a few questions: Is the CompaqTV product offering including a mass of channels and OTT platforms a la DorTV is? Or is it just following DorTV to get a beneficial rub-off from the hype around it and attempting to make a splash by repackaging its earlier TV plus offerings?
That we probably will know at the time of the launch.