SRFTI lauds proposed ‘Institute of National Importance Status’ by FM


SRFTI lauds proposed ‘Institute of National Importance Status’ by FM

KOLKATA: Praising the proposal made by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to accord Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) in Kolkata the status of ‘Institute of National Importance,’ its director has said that the move would open up new vistas in education of aspirants as well as boost international collaborations.


FTII Pune and SRFTI Kolkata, the two premium film institutes in the country, would be accorded the status of institutes of national importance, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in his budget speech in Lok Sabha on Thursday.


“It is good to know that SRFTI is being considered important on a national scale. It will open up new avenues for education in cinema and television. We have collaborative projects but this status will provide a boost to further partnerships globally,” SRFTI director Sanjaya Pattanayak said.


Veterans from the Bengal film and television industry also lauded the decision. “Education in filmmaking is important,” they added.


Experts feel that though Bengal was supposed to get more in terms of textile, agriculture and farming, the Budget mentioned nothing on those lines. “It is good that the minister at least thought about SRFTI. It will help students who are keen to take television and cinema as career options,” experts added.