Indian film bags Humanitarian award at Tiburon fest

Indian film bags Humanitarian award at Tiburon fest

MUMBAI:The Ananya Chatterjee Chakraborti- directed Understanding Trafficking has won the Humanitarian Award at the Tiburon International Film Festival 2011.

“Understanding Trafficking stresses the difference between women who migrate and join the sex trade and women who are trafficked into the sex trade”, states the official website of the festival. Therefore it is wrong to classify all women who make it to the world’s oldest profession as victims of trafficking. That’s what filmmaker Ananya Chatterjee-Chakraborti’s film Understanding Trafficking seeks to convey.”

Polish film Little Rose was adjudged the best film while its director Jan Kidawa-Blonski was declared best director. 

Chatterjee-Chakraborti has made several documentaries on women’s issues before like Dwitiya Paksha, Gandhari and Half Way Home.

Three other documentaries by Indian filmmakers/about India — Dreaming Taj Mahal by Nirmal Chander Dandriyal, Letters to Dharavi by Saravanan Ganesan and Letters from the Desert (India/Italy) directed by Michela Occhipinti - were also screened in the festival.

The festival was held from 7 to 15 April in Tiburon, California. ”