CNN examines international strategies in counter-terrorism

CNN examines international strategies in counter-terrorism


Israeli authorities target some suspected terrorists for assassination. French prosecutors can question suspects for up to four days without charges and for the first 24 hours without access to a lawyer. Britain boasts a half-a-million surveillance cameras in its city streets-about one for every 120 people.

In a new CNN Presents documentary Winning the war on Terrorism CNN's national security correspondent David Ensor talks to those at the forefront of fighting terrorism in Europe and the Middle East as he examines whether their strategies would be effective in the US. The documentary airs on 9 July at 3:30 pm and on 10 July at 9:30 am and 3:30 pm.

Ensor looks at the complex moral, legal, social and military issues surrounding the battle against terrorism. He reveals that other governments have struggled for decades to find ways to protect their citizens from terrorism while trying to maintain civil liberties-sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

Viewers will hear the views of terrorism experts including Gilles Kepel, author of The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West. He speaks on the issue of security versus civil liberties.