4Kids appoints three licensing agents in Asia

4Kids appoints three licensing agents in Asia

MUMBAI: 4Kids Entertainment has appointed new licensing agents for several of its properties across Asia, including Click! Licensing Asia, taking on representation for the American Kennel Club in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Click! Licensing Asia will also represent Jim Henson Designs in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. 
While Impact Licensing & Marketing will represent Jim Henson Designs in Taiwan, Empire International Merchandising Corporation will be representing The Artlist Collection‘s The Dog/The Cat/The Pig photographic properties in the Philippines.

Said 4Kids Entertainment executive VP of licensing and marketing Roz Nowicki, "These agencies will be our eyes and ears on the ground in these important Asian countries. We anticipate that they will enable us to sign additional licensees throughout the region for these three popular brands."