MUMBAI: First came Adar Poonawalla who handed out Rs 1000 crore to Karan Johar for a 50 per cent stake in his Dharma Productions. Now Dharma Productions CEO Apoorva Mehta and Karan are clearly indicating the direction the company is taking – becoming a complete studio a la YRF. That is it wants to produce and distribute its own releases as well as possibly do it for others.
Hence, the alleged hiring of former Zee Studios senior acquisitions and distribution executive Bhumika Tewari, if reports are to be believed. (Actually, Bhumika's linkedin profile has her as recently as one week ago reposting a post from Roy Kapur Films about Zee Studios' release of the Shahid Kapoor-Pooja Hegde starrer Deva on 31 January)
Bhumika has a rock solid film distribution background. She has spent almost 12 years at Zee Studios heading worldwide theatrical distribution and then content acquisition. She also has more than 16 years on the exhibition side working with Fun Multiplex (thirteen and a half years) and Cinepolis (two years eight months)
She has been behind some big blockbusters like Good Newz and Kesari while at Zee Studios.
Confirmations about Bhumika joining Dharma were not available from anyone at the time of writing. Keep watching this space.