This Father’s Day, break the silence on taboos with #BaatKarengeTohBaatBanegi

This Father’s Day, break the silence on taboos with #BaatKarengeTohBaatBanegi

The secret’s out with Better Choice Alliance, but the bond’s grown deeper


Mumbai: This Father's Day, the Better Choice Alliance, a support group helping individuals make healthier choices, is launching the #BaatKarengeTohBaatBanegi campaign. Children often hide unhealthy habits, fearing judgment, while fathers struggle to express their concerns, creating a cycle of unspoken secrets. This campaign aims to break that cycle by encouraging open communication and the power of working together to find solutions.

#BaatKarengeTohBaatBanegi highlights the silence around uncomfortable topics like smoking, especially between fathers and daughters. Inspired by a real-life story, it shows the transformative power of honest conversations:  #BaatKarengeTohBaatBanegi



Riya, a young runner, fainted at the finish line of a marathon, leading to a hospital visit with her father. During the check-up, a surprising moment occurred when her father revealed her smoking habit to the doctor. This moment of honesty became a turning point in their relationship.

The campaign encourages fathers and daughters to break the cycle of guilt and work together towards a healthier lifestyle through open conversations. This Father's Day, let's challenge the societal stereotype of shunning the conversations and feeding the taboos. Let’s choose to talk, support each other, and build a healthier future together.