Mumbai: In celebration of the 40 anniversary of Akira Toriyama’s legendary manga, Toei Animation released Dragon Ball DAIMA, a new episodic series based on an original story from the Dragon Ball creator. This highly anticipated series will begin streaming on Crunchyroll on 11 October 2024, with subtitles in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. Fans can enjoy new weekly episodes simulcast with the Japanese TV broadcast.
Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces a fresh story where Goku and his friends, due to a conspiracy, are turned small. Together with new characters, Glorio and Panzy, they venture into the ‘Demon Realm’. The series is directed by Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki, with character designs by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru and the series composition by Yuko Kakihara.
The opening theme, "Jaka Jaan," is composed by Grammy Award-winner Zedd, with vocals by singer-songwriters CLIEVY and KEEN from C&K. Zedd also produced the ending theme, “NAKAMA,” featuring AI. This collaboration marks a significant moment in Dragon Ball’s musical history.
Dragon Ball DAIMA was initially revealed at New York Comic Con 2023, thrilling fans worldwide. It celebrates Dragon Ball’s incredible global success, building on the legacy of a franchise that began in 1984 and has sold over 260 million manga copies globally.